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No matter what we’re planning to spend, whether it’s money or time, we want to make an informed decision so not to have a less than stellar experience. This is where online reviews, whether it’s for a positive experience or a negative review, can make a difference. We rely on feedback from others to help us make decisions. A well-written review of apartments or apartment communities is possibly the reason someone rents an apartment or not.
More than 37 percent of people live in an apartment, according to National Multifamily Housing Association, and reviews can help people decide whether to rent in a particular building or not.
Writing an apartment review isn’t difficult and can improve accessibility for some in your apartment community. Are renters’ rights protected, for example, or are the units safe and up to code? Sometimes, those things get mentioned in a review.
It’s also important to know as you read or evaluate reviews that not all are objective. An apartment’s website is only one piece of information but a great apartment review can share feedback on how management works and the overall strength of an apartment community. Keep reading to learn how to read and write accurate apartment reviews.
How do you evaluate an apartment review?
There are a few telltale signs of great apartment reviews that are helpful. Does the person begin with facts, including when they rented the apartment and details about maintenance issues or amenities on the property? Did the person have issues with others? Did they deal with the office staff, apartment manager or landlord with issues on their properties?
If you see multiple reviews by residents about details within the apartment that don’t work or they focus on specific issues they’re constantly bringing to their landlord, it’s worth noting because it’s more than just one person having a problem with their apartment.
Pay attention to how residents address or discuss what’s mentioned in the apartment reviews. Do they bring it to the attention of the property manager? Does it take five business days or more for management to respond once someone makes contact? Do they request a face-to-face meeting and share the progress of a complaint? Is the review written in complete sentences?
An apartment’s website is only one piece of information but apartment reviews hold so much information.
Be wary of the bad reviews
Also, consider an author’s motive when writing online reviews. Do they resort to bombastic name-calling? Did they write a review about the apartment? Did the author mention the company, apartment community or focus on a specific contact at the company?
Consider who would most benefit from this review. Remember, writing online reviews, whether it’s on a specific site or on a social media page, is free. It’s one thing to get feedback beyond what’s on a website that is helpful but writing a hit piece doesn’t benefit the apartment community as a whole.
How do you evaluate an apartment community?
Many people look at a specific property when searching for a new apartment but it’s a good idea to see how residents rate their apartment community on various sites, too. Those are helpful and are more objective than what a website includes in terms of how people who live in the apartment engage with various amenities and how they feel management handles things.
How do you write a review for an apartment?
When writing reviews to post on various sites, you want to share feedback you feel others would find helpful when deciding whether to rent a place. Apartment communities may matter just as much as individual apartment units so consider a review that covers as much detail as possible.
Polite articulation in any review will garner more appreciation from the reader. Whether you discuss relevant accessibility standards being subpar or share feedback about an issue in progress, those reviews can help the reader better understand what living in this apartment community will look like as a matter of course.
As you would expect to read in a review, post information including when you lived (or if you’re still living) in the apartment and any tips you’ve learned by living there. Is management generally responsive to issues or does the office staff ignore issues? Does the landlord read reviews and makes improvements based on any tips or suggestions that someone takes the time to post? All of these details can help someone make an informed decision about their next address.
How important are apartment online reviews?
A review is only as good as the author but apartment reviews that someone takes the time to write and post with great feedback and tips are very helpful. No one wants to move into a place that might have too many problems or that management ignores — those are the kinds of things that pop up in apartment reviews.
Reading and writing accurate apartment reviews can save you time and money
Writing online apartment reviews doesn’t need to take a lot of time but writing an objective one can help you learn and discuss what you find important when seeking an apartment to rent. Reading and knowing how to evaluate reviews can save you time and money in the long run. A well-written review that highlights key issues is a possible deal breaker, while one that mentions amenities and benefits can seal the deal. It’s worth taking the time to write a good (or bad) review, as well as reading them to help you make the best decision on your next place.
Source: rent.com