Avg. estimated premium
We calculated this estimated average by comparing your provided details to data for similar drivers. Our calculation assumes a 2020 Toyota Camry, 7,500 miles annually, 100/300/50 liability limits with $1,000 comprehensive and collision deductibles and no accidents. While we seek to provide a wide range of offers, we do not include every product or service that may be available. Our goal is to keep information accurate and timely, but some information may not be current. Your actual offer may be different from the offer on this advertisement. All offers are subject to additional terms and conditions.
Customer satisfaction
This customer satisfaction score is provided by J.D. Power, a third party consumer data and analytics company that provides independent, unbiased ratings for different auto insurance carriers.
Bankrate Scores
Bankrate Scores primarily reflect a weighted rank of industry-standard ratings for financial strength and customer experience in addition to analysis of quoted annual premiums from Quadrant Information Services, spanning all 50 states and Washington, D.C.
Source: thesimpledollar.com