Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax Basics
If your estate is big enough, you should know how generation-skipping transfer taxes work, and how to avoid paying more than you must.
If your estate is big enough, you should know how generation-skipping transfer taxes work, and how to avoid paying more than you must.
Living in one state and working in another can trigger a number of tax issues. Here are several things to keep in mind if you and/or your spouse are in this situation.
Investors have plenty of tools to combat higher bond yields. Here are seven of the best ETFs to head off interest-rate risk.
Financial and life decisions often become more complex â not less â after selling. Here are ways to maximize your profits from the sale while enjoying retirement.
Itâs the perfect time to think about whatâs changed in your life and with your health care plan. After looking at these four issues, you might find there is a better option for you.
If you choose to live in these states, every penny you earn is safe from state income tax (although one state taxes some dividends and interest). But that doesn’t mean you won’t have to pay other state and local taxes.
For retirement savers who want to help make sure their money lasts as long as they do, this very basic planning method is an oldie but a goodie.
If you don’t make the right choices, you could end up with high Medicare premiums and big out-of-pocket costs.
There’s Medicare Part A, Part B, Part D, medigap plans, Medicare Advantage plans and so on. We sort out the confusion about signing up for Medicare — and much more.
Retirees can save a lot of money in these states that completely exempt the most common types of retirement income â 401(k)s, IRAs and pensions â from taxation.