And on that note, Frazier is seeing an increase in beverage centers, which encompasses every drink throughout the day, from breakfast to cocktail hour. “In the past a beverage center was maybe just a coffee bar or a cocktail bar, but now people want them to be multipurposeful, a place where they can make their morning coffee or tea, make a smoothie bowl after a workout or pour a beverage after work.” Most of these areas include a beverage fridge or fridge drawers, a built-in pullout trash can, a wine fridge, a sink, and cabinets for blenders, coffee pots or tea kettles. “It depends on the person, of course, but they are designed for how they want it to function,” she says.

Trend: Cozy spaces

“The light airy home has had its moment,” says designer Kara Adam. “People now want a cozier environment rich in color.”(Michael Hunter)

Homes built in the last decade mostly feature open-concept floor plans, which usually include an open family room, kitchen and breakfast nook. But Adam is hoping to design cozier spaces in the next year. “No one wants to relax in their family room when they are sitting on the sofa and behind them is the kitchen,” she says. Dirty dishes, a pot of soup on the stove or clutter on the countertops does not create for a relaxing space. “Creating separation is good for your mental health,” she says. “You can step away from it and go back and clean it up later.” Plus, when a space is large and open, there is no breaking point for a designer to do something playful and fun on the walls or molding. “When it’s one huge space, it’s a lot harder to upholster or lacquer a wall,” she explains.

Her clients are also asking for game rooms. “We can’t do enough of them,” she says. “We are redoing spaces so that people can have a mahjong room. In our home we have a table built for mahjong, but when it’s not set up for that, we always have a puzzle out, too. Work on a puzzle for 20 minutes and it’s good for your brain and it slows things down. Then you can go back to running around or going to carpool,” she says.

Trend: Textured and printed wallpaper

Patterns, textures and fabrics are big in wall coverings this year. Brian Yates, principal designer with Yates Desygn, covered this bedroom in Ever Atelier x Yates Desygn “In-Site” patterned wallpaper.(Michael Wiltbank)

Wallpaper has been trending for some years now, and it’s still holding strong in 2024, especially selections that boast texture, bold patterns and fabric. “In 2023, we launched our first wallpaper collection with Ever Atelier, Ever X Yates, and it led us to experiment with wall coverings in new ways. For example, new construction ceilings are typically much taller nowadays, and implementing wallpaper can help weigh it down and feel more proportional,” says Bryan Yates, principal designer of Yates Desygn. “In addition, we are currently framing three panels of a de Gournay print to work as a 9-foot-by-9-foot piece of art and create a more significant moment in a client’s dining space rather than using traditional panels as a series.”

Adam notes that adding the right wallpaper to a space helps to evoke a mood, too. “People are wanting texture as opposed to a super flat, quiet space. For instance, when you’re having a dinner party in a dining room covered in cool silk wallpaper, it makes people want to stay. We want our clients to have dinner parties that go on all night,” she says.

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Apache is functioning normally

“OMG I missed it. I should’ve bought two years ago.”

“Am I too late? Are all the good deals gone?”

“Look at how much cheaper it used to be. I’m priced out now.”

“Isn’t my best bet to wait for a crash?”

Oh my dear friend.

Those sound like remarks made today … right?

Well, they’re not.

Those are the remarks I heard in 2015, even everyone was lamenting how much real estate prices had climbed, relative to 2012.

“Damn I should’ve bought back then! It’s too late now. Everything’s expensive again. I’ll just wait for prices to come down.”

I know, that seems silly in hindsight.

But put yourself in the shoes of an aspiring real estate investor in the year 2015. They had been thinking about buying a rental property for a year or two. But they hadn’t. And while they sat on the sidelines, prices skyrocketed.

The chart above covers January 2010 to December 2015.

In 2015, this was a prospective investors’ experience of the last 5 years. They saw home prices dip slightly from 2010 to 2012, and it scared them — “maybe there will be another crash!!” — so they sat on the sidelines.

Then the market boomed from 2012 to 2015, and by the end of that three-year period, they were kicking themselves to “waiting too long.”

“It’s too late!!!!!”

“The good deals are gone!!”

With the Great Recession in such recent memory, they comforted themselves with the idea that they could just kick back and wait for the next housing crash.

Nearly nine years later, they’re still waiting. And missing out on gains.

Here’s what the market did from January 2016 through May 2023:

Up, up, up, up, up.

Sliiiight dip for a few months in late 2022. Then up again.

The people who lamented that they’d “waited too long” and “it’s too late” psyched themselves out. They sidelined themselves. They missed those returns.

You see, pessimists get to make excuses. Pessimists get to validate themselves.

Pessimists get to be right.

Optimists get to be rich.

“The irony is that by trying to avoid the price, investors end up paying double,” Morgan Housel writes in his book, The Psychology of Money.

In that passage, he’s discussing stock investing, but the principle applies to real estate as well. Those who lament that real estate is too expensive, relative to its previous values, are the same people who eagerly buy an index fund without complaining that it, too, is substantially more expensive than it was a few years ago.

I’ve never heard anyone say: “VTSAX is 50 percent more expensive than it was five years ago! It’s too late to buy. The good deals are gone. I’ll wait for the next crash.”

Yet they’ll say that about real estate.

Sure, people might debate whether the stock market is overvalued. But if you’re a long-term investor, you dollar-cost average into the market.

You understand that a share of VTSAX will cost significantly more today than it did five years ago, because, well, assets appreciate over the long-term. That’s the point.

Ideally, real estate investors would be best-off viewing their properties through the same lens through which an index fund investor views their holdings.

Sometimes you’ll buy high. Other times, you might hold through a decline. But over the long-term, based on historic trends, both asset classes (real estate and index funds) significantly rise in value.

Yet often, would-be real estate investors seem to forget historical trends.

When the topic turns to rental properties, many would-be investors sideline themselves because they’re convinced that “I’m too late” and “the good deals are gone.”

Sure, you can’t blindfold yourself, throw a dart at a list of houses, and find one with an amazing cap rate, like you could in 2012.

Sure, you have to actually, erm, what’s that word … WORK.

Good deals are available for those willing to find them.

Back in 2015, I often heard people lament that they were “too late” because real estate prices had risen so much in the past three years. “I should’ve invested in 2012! The run-up has already happened. I’m too late. I’ll wait for the next crash.”

Nearly nine years later, they’re still waiting.

The question is: are you going to be one of those people who says “it’s too late! the good deals are gone!” and then sit on the sidelines for the next 30+ years? Or are you going to train and compete?

If you choose to leave the sidelines and get into the game —

The first step is to understand: It’s not too late.

The prices that existed five years ago are irrelevant.

The only question that matters: “Is this a good deal today?”

It’s easy to substantiate the belief that you’ve missed out on all the good returns — you can see how much home prices have appreciated over the past three years. You can see all the capital appreciation you could have had, if only you’d gotten started sooner.

Just like if you’d bought a ton of index funds in 2018. Or better yet, March 2009.

Assets appreciate.

Sometimes there’s volatility, and they drop a little bit. But historically, in the U.S., major asset classes — including stocks and real estate — have always risen over time.

We seem to have accepted this reality in the world of stock investing. We don’t reflexively lament *not* buying more index funds at 2012 prices.

We might occasionally joke about it — “awww man I shoulda bought Amazon in 1997!” — but we know that when we buy a stock, we’ve evaluating today’s fundamentals. Past is prologue.

When we evaluate stocks, we ask: “Is this stock a wise purchase at today’s price?” But we forget to ask this question when we’re dealing with a tangible asset class like real estate.

Real estate often fills people with fear:

  • It’s a single six-figure transaction; a larger dollar amount than an index fund.
  • You borrow money to get into the deal; leverage increases risk.
  • You assume you can’t dollar-cost average into real estate, like you can with stocks. (In reality, many rental investors *do* dollar-cost average into real estate by investing in one property per year, or one property every-other-year … some type of periodic pace.)

Real estate’s tangibility also makes it an inherently emotionally-charged asset class. We can touch it, smell it, see it, hear its creaks and noises.

And when emotions are involved, we rationalize rather than reason.

“Assuming that something ugly will stay ugly is an easy forecast to make,” Housel writes. “And it’s persuasive, because it doesn’t require imagining the world changing.”

Pessimism is tempting, but it’s also limiting — and its intellectually lazy.

It keeps you broke and uncreative.

Optimism, by contrast, keeps you asking “how can I?” — it keeps you solving problems, rather than lamenting them.

  • “How can I find properties with a solid cap rate and good cash flow located within a two-hour drive?”
  • “How can I improve my skills as a negotiator?”
  • “How can I analyze and cross-compare across multiple markets?”
  • “How can I save for a downpayment?”
  • “How can I get approved for a mortgage if I’m self-employed / if I don’t earn much?”

Ask “How can I?” rather than lamenting “I can’t because …” and you’ll find your world switch.

And if you want answers to the above questions, you’ll find them in Your First Rental Property, our flagship course.

— Paula


Apache is functioning normally

Inside: Escape the cycle of being broke with insightful tactics. Learn to invest, save smartly, spot financial traps, and build secure money habits today.

You are desperate right now. You want to know why I am broke.

I get it. This is a situation I have been in before and just recently when I lost my main source of income.

The feelings of you can’t afford anything may send you down a steep spiral of depression.

So, how do we escape?

Here are the tips I used before and plan to use again.

Top Reasons for Why I am Broke

#1 – The Mindset Traps That Keep You Broke

A mindset that cultivates a sense of scarcity rather than abundance can be a massive roadblock to financial prosperity. When you’re shackled by thoughts like “I am always broke,” you unwittingly set the stage for a self-fulfilling prophecy.

The mental narrative that convinces you wealth is unattainable can keep you trapped in a loop of missed opportunities and poor financial decisions.

You may inadvertently sabotage your potential to earn more, save, or invest wisely by clinging to a defeatist paradigm.

  • Fixing a broken mindset is about shifting from a state of helplessness to one of deliberate, empowering action.
  • It starts with self-awareness and is further built through intentional positive affirmations and financial education.

Overcome By: Remember, the mind is powerful—it can be your greatest ally or your most formidable adversary. Change your money mindset.

#2 – Living Beyond Your Means: A Fast Track to Empty Pockets

Living beyond your means is akin to constantly filling a sieve with water, hoping it will someday retain more than it loses—a surefire way to financial drought. It’s a lifestyle where your outflow far exceeds your inflow, and every paycheck evaporates into the ether of consumerism.

With the advent of credit cards and buy-now-pay-later schemes, the temptation to spend money we don’t have has never been greater.

The façade of affluence conceals the grim reality of financial instability.

Acknowledging this trap is step one. Living within one’s means doesn’t imply sacrificing joy or reverting to asceticism; it’s about striking a harmonious balance between the lifestyle you desire and the one you can sensibly afford.

Overcome By: Making choices aligned with your financial reality, finding contentment in simplicity, and prioritizing financial health over transient pleasures.

#3 – Chronic Debt: Borrowing from Tomorrow for Today

Chronic debt is a pervasive issue, ensnaring individuals in a vicious cycle of borrowing today and worrying about repayment tomorrow. This pattern often stems from an urgency to fulfill immediate desires or needs without adequate financial resources.

Alarmingly, the trend of increasing consumer debt signals a culture obsessed with instant gratification as consumer debt is $16.84 trillion in Q2 2023, according to Experian. 1

Being in debt should not be normal.

The onus of breaking free from chronic debt lies in reevaluating your relationship with money. It means slowing down the urge to splurge, meticulously planning for future financial obligations, and carving a path towards debt repayment.

Overcome By: Find the discipline to not only stop accumulating debt but also to aggressively tackle existing debts through methods like debt snowball or debt avalanche strategies.

#4 – You Haven’t Learned to Plan and Budget for a Brighter Tomorrow

The lack of a strategic financial plan and a detailed budget is tantamount to navigating unknown terrain without a map. Without these critical tools, your finances are left to chance rather than choice, leaving you vulnerable to the whims of circumstance.

Budgeting is perhaps the most fundamental step toward taking ownership of your financial future. It gives you a clear snapshot of where your money is going, which is essential for making informed spending decisions.

However, many avoid the budgeting process, perceiving it as restrictive or complex. The truth is that budgeting liberates you from the anxiety that comes with uncertainty. It empowers you to align your spending with your financial goals and to find a balance between today’s necessities and tomorrow’s aspirations.

Overcome By: Choose a budgeting method whether it be the zero-based budget, the 50/30/20 rule, or the envelope system, the key is to find a method that resonates with your lifestyle and stick to it.

#5 – No Emergency Fund to Weather Financial Storms

An emergency fund is an essential bulwark against the financial tempests life invariably hurls your way. Without it, a single unforeseen event—a job loss, a medical emergency, or an urgent car repair—can capsize an already precarious financial ship. The lack of an emergency cushion extends an open invitation to debt and financial strain.

The data tells a stark tale:

  • A statement from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau highlights that nearly a quarter of consumers (24%) don’t have an emergency savings account. 2
  • Additionally, 39% have less than a month’s worth of income saved for emergencies, setting the stage for potential financial disaster. 2

This precarious situation has become more pronounced with the increasing cost of living and high inflation rates witnessed in 2021-2023.

Overcome By: Structured, automatic savings transfers to facilitate the gradual growth of your emergency fund without it feeling like a financial blow. The goal is to build a reservoir robust enough to cover several months of living expenses, providing a comfortable buffer that can help you bounce back from setbacks without the need to borrow money at high-interest rates or liquidate precious assets at inopportune times.

#6 – Lack of Understanding of The Power of Investing

Understanding the power of investing is key to grasping the potential of a seed. A seed, given the right conditions, can grow into a flourishing tree. Similarly, investing allows your finances to grow beyond the confines of stagnant savings.

Yet, many people fail to harness this power due to a lack of understanding or fear of the unknown. This was me for many years until I decided to learn to trade stocks.

A common misconception surrounding investing is that it’s solely the playground for the rich or financially savvy. This myth steers many away from multiplying their wealth via investments, leaving them to rely solely on their primary source of income. Moreover, a lack of understanding often leads to panic during market volatility, resulting in ill-timed decisions to buy high and sell low—contrary to sound investment strategies.

Overcome By: Invest money consistently into a low-cost mutual fund or ETF that tracks the overall S&P. Then, continue your investing education on how to invest in stocks.

#7 – Wasteful Spending Habits

Wasteful spending habits are the quiet thieves of financial security. They nibble away at your earnings, leaving you wondering where your money has gone at the end of each month. This pattern often goes unnoticed, as it’s usually composed of small, seemingly insignificant purchases that accumulate over time.

The danger of wasteful spending is its subtlety.

  • It’s the daily coffee on the way to work, the meal out because cooking feels like too much of an effort, or the impulse buys during the sale season.
  • Individually, these do not seem like considerable expenses, but together, they can consume a substantial portion of your budget.

To curtail this financial leak begins with recognizing and acknowledging these habits. Tracking every penny spent can be an eye-opening experience, illustrating just how quickly the ‘little things’ can add up. With this awareness, one can then consciously decide where to cut back.

Overcome By: Adopting a minimalist approach, where value and purpose become the benchmarks for every expense, can help combat wasteful spending. Questions like, “Do I really need this?” or “Will this purchase add value to my life?” can serve as useful filters. Take up a no spend challenge to see your mindless consumption.

#8 – Fail to Recognize the Patterns That Lead to a Near-Empty Wallet

Failing to recognize the patterns that deplete your wallet is akin to ignoring the signs of a leaking roof until it caves in—it’s a disaster in the making. Often, it isn’t one significant financial blunder, but rather a series of small, recurring missteps that lead to the near-empty wallet syndrome.

  • For instance, routinely underestimating monthly expenses can lead to a perpetual state of surprise when the bills pile up.
  • Similarly, neglecting to keep tabs on bank account balances may result in overdraft fees that, over time, take a sizable bite out of your funds.
  • Disregarding the accumulative effects of late payment charges or routinely paying only the minimum on credit card balances can exacerbate financial distress.

Overcome By: To reverse this trend, one must become a detective in their own financial mystery. Start by scrutinizing bank statements and tracking expenses. Look for patterns, like repeated late-night online shopping sprees or habitual dining out, which contribute to the thinning of your wallet. Use budgeting apps or spreadsheets to flag these patterns visually, making it easier to identify and amend them.

#9 – How Fear and Denial Contribute to Ongoing Money Issues

Fear comes in several forms: fear of failure, fear of taking risks, and even fear of facing the truth about one’s financial situation. It can immobilize individuals, preventing them from making necessary financial changes or taking action that could otherwise mitigate or reverse money woes.

For instance, the fear of losing money might dissuade one from investing in potentially lucrative opportunities, leaving them stuck in the low-yield safety of a savings account.

Further, there’s the psychological phenomenon of denial—a defense mechanism that numbs the pain of reality. When faced with mounting debt or budgetary failure, denial kicks in, allowing individuals to live as if the problem doesn’t exist. Unfortunately, ignoring overdue notices or dodging calls from creditors doesn’t make debts disappear.

Denial only deepens the financial hole, often leading to larger, more complex problems.

Overcome By: To confront these challenges, it’s crucial to adopt a stance of brutal honesty with oneself. This means acknowledging fears and confronting financial shortcomings head-on. Professional help, such as financial counselors or advisors, can provide support and guidance to navigate these tricky emotional waters.

#10 – No Clear Financial Goals and Plans

The absence of clear financial goals and plans is like embarking on a voyage without a destination. It not only leads to aimless wandering but also ensures that you miss out on the focus and motivation that well-defined objectives provide.

When you lack clarity on what you’re saving for or what you wish to achieve, there is little impetus to resist the temptations of immediate gratification or to weather the short-term sacrifices that long-term gains often require.

Setting clear and measurable financial goals lays the groundwork for creating effective plans to reach them.

Overcome By: To break this cycle, begin by reflecting on what you value most and where you would like to be financially in the future. Whether it’s achieving debt freedom, owning a home, funding education, or planning for retirement, having specific goals in mind will define the purpose of your financial activities. Craft a plan that outlines the steps needed to accomplish them.

#11 – Laziness is your Game

When you approach your finances with a laissez-faire attitude, it’s akin to ignoring the health of a garden; without regular attention and effort, it’s bound to wither. Financial laziness can manifest in various ways, from failing to review bank statements and ignoring budgeting to neglecting opportunities to cut costs or boost income.

Each act of omission is a step closer to the financial doldrums.

Procrastination or avoidance might seem less painful at the moment, but they ultimately compound the problem. Contrary to what some might think, simple acts of financial diligence, such as cash management or regularly doing household chores, do not require Herculean effort.

Moreover, they set a foundation for sound financial habits that thwart needless spending.

Overcome By: Schedule time for financial management much like an important meeting.

#12 – Keeping up with Others is Breaking Your Bank

The urge to keep up with others—often termed the ‘Keeping up with the Joneses’ or ‘Keeping up with the Kardashians’ phenomenon—is a profound pressure that exerts an invisible, yet powerful, force on financial habits. This social comparison can lead to an insidious form of competition, one that disregards personal financial realities in favor of an illusory social standing.

It’s an impulse driven by comparison, where the benchmark of success is set not by personal satisfaction, but by the possessions and lifestyles of others.

The decision to upgrade to a luxury car, splurge on designer clothes, or redo a perfectly functional kitchen stems not from need, but from a desire to project an image that matches or surpasses those in your social sphere.

Financial guru Dave Ramsey encapsulates this philosophy with his common saying, “Live like no one else will now, so in the future, you can live like no one else can.” This means making money moves that are right for you, not those dictated by social pressures, which can sometimes involve humbler living now for a wealthier future.

Overcome By: Breaking free from the shackles of this social competition requires introspection and a bold reaffirmation of personal values. Adjusting focus towards personal financial goals and aspirations, rather than mirroring others’ spending decisions, is key.

#13 – Need Help Differentiating Needs from Wants

The blurring line between needs and wants is a common financial pitfall that can lead individuals deeper into the morass of money woes.

  • Needs are essentials, the non-negotiable items necessary for survival—food, shelter, healthcare, and basic utilities.
  • Wants, on the other hand, include anything that is not vital for basic survival but enhances comfort and enjoyment of life.

The difficulty in distinguishing between the two often stems from habituation. What starts as a luxury, like eating out at restaurants, getting a high-end smartphone, or subscribing to multiple streaming services, can quickly become perceived as essential. This is particularly difficult in a consumer-driven society, where advertising and social media constantly inflate our perception of what we ‘need’ to lead a fulfilling life.

The result? A budget that’s stretched thin on non-essentials, leaving little room for savings or investment.

Overcome By: Regularly reassess expenses and ask the hard questions about whether a purchase is genuinely essential or merely a desire dressed up as a need.

#14 – You Don’t Make Enough Money to Cover Your Expenses

When your income doesn’t cover expenses, the strain can be relentless. This financial imbalance is often the stark root of the “I am broke” refrain. In such cases, every dollar becomes precious, and the financial breathing room feels nonexistent.

The reason is straightforward: if what comes in is less than what goes out, deficits and debt are the inevitable outcomes.

Addressing this challenge requires a two-pronged approach—increasing income and/or reducing expenses. For many, reducing expenses is the immediate reflex, and while it’s an essential strategy, there’s only so much you can save, but no limit to how much you can earn.

Overcome By: Focus on making more money. This could mean asking for a raise, seeking better-paying job opportunities, pursuing a side hustle, making money online, or acquiring new skills that offer higher income potential.

Long-Term Solutions to Build a Secure Financial Future

Building a secure financial future is an aspirational goal for many, but achieving it requires a strategic approach characterized by foresight, discipline, and an understanding of personal finance.

Becoming financially independent doesn’t happen by magic chance; it’s the result of deliberate actions taken with consistency over time.

Here are the foundational blocks for constructing a sturdy financial edifice:

  • Invest in Financial Literacy: Knowledge is power, and this is especially true in the realm of finance. Educate yourself about budgeting, investing, insurance, taxes, and retirement planning. Reliable resources include books, online courses, podcasts, and workshops.
  • Set Clear Financial Goals: Define what financial success looks like for you, whether it’s being debt-free, owning a home, or achieving financial independence. Detailed goals provide direction and motivation for your financial plan.
  • Create a Robust Budget: A flexible budget isn’t a one-time exercise but a living document that should evolve with your financial situation. It should reflect your income, fixed and variable expenses, and financial goals.
  • Establish an Emergency Fund: This is the bedrock of financial security. Aim to save three to six months’ worth of living expenses to protect yourself from unforeseen circumstances without falling into debt.
  • Pay Off Debt: High-interest debt is a major impediment to financial growth. Utilize strategies like the debt snowball or avalanche methods to tackle debts efficiently. Once you’re debt-free, avoid accumulating new debt.
  • Diversify Income Streams: Relying on a single source of income is a risk. Look for opportunities to create additional streams of income, such as side businesses, freelance work, or passive income from investments.
  • Invest Wisely: Make your money work for you through smart investments. Consider diversified portfolios, retirement accounts, and tax-efficient investment strategies to grow your wealth over time.
  • Plan for Retirement: The future is closer than you think. Contribute regularly to retirement accounts like 401(k)s or IRAs. Take advantage of employer match programs if available, as they’re essentially free money.
  • Protect Yourself with Insurance: Ensure you have adequate insurance coverage for health, life, property, and potential liabilities. This helps to guard against catastrophic financial losses.

Breaking the Cycle of Being Broke

Just like becoming broke is often a gradual process—a few uncalculated loans, hasty investments, and numerous credit card swipes. Suddenly, financial stability seems like a far-off dream.

The same goes for breaking the cycle of being broke. It is about moving from living paycheck to paycheck with no savings, drowning in debt, and making questionable spending decisions to become financially stable.

Even though our society may see being broke as normal, it is possible to embrace financial prudence to defy such norms. It’s time to delve into the reasons behind the perpetuation of brokeness and unveil practical steps toward lasting financial freedom.

What do I do if I’m broke?

Finding yourself in a financial predicament where the end of your money arrives before your next paycheck is a stress-inducing scenario.

When faced with the stark reality of being broke, here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate through and set the stage for a more stable financial future:

  • Assess Your Situation: Take stock of all your available assets and resources. This includes checking account balances, any savings, and items you could potentially sell for quick cash. Understanding what you have can help you gauge your immediate next steps.
  • Prioritize Your Expenses: Sort your expenses by urgency and necessity. Essentials like rent, utilities, and groceries come first. Non-essentials or discretionary spending should be paused or significantly reduced until your financial situation improves.
  • Reduce Costs Immediately: Eliminate any non-essential expenses. Cancel or suspend subscriptions, memberships, or services that are not vital. Consider cheaper alternatives for necessary expenses, and utilize community resources, such as food pantries, if needed.
  • Negotiate with Creditors: If you’re struggling to pay your bills, proactively reach out to creditors to discuss payment options. Many are willing to work with you on a revised payment plan to avoid defaults.
  • Seek Additional Income Sources: Consider taking on a side job, selling unused items, freelancing, or offering your skills for short-term gigs. Even small amounts of additional income can make a significant difference when you’re broke.
  • Consider Assistance Programs: Look into local, state, and federal assistance programs. You may be eligible for temporary aid to help with food, housing, or utility bills.
  • Borrow with Caution: If borrowing is unavoidable, be cautious and choose the most cost-effective options such as loans from family or friends, a personal loan with a low-interest rate, or a hardship withdrawal from your retirement account (as a last resort).

Remember, being broke can happen to anyone, so there’s no shame in it.

The key is to take swift, decisive action to mitigate the immediate crisis while also planning longer-term strategies to prevent recurrence. By addressing the issue head-on and adjusting your financial habits, you can initiate the journey from being broke to becoming financially buoyant.

FAQ: Navigating Away from Being Broke

Finding yourself consistently broke at the end of each month is an indicator that there’s a disconnect between your income and your spending habits.

It’s often the result of several factors or behaviors that, when combined, result in a cycle of financial scarcity. Here are common reasons why this might be happening:

  1. No Budget or Poor Budgeting
  2. Overspending
  3. Impulse Purchases
  4. Lack of Emergency Savings
  5. Failure to Track Expenses
  6. Living paycheck to paycheck
  7. High Debt Payments

Remember, understanding why you’re broke at the end of the month is the first step towards financial stability.

Saving money when funds seem stretched to their limit is a challenge that requires creative strategy and discipline. Even with a tight budget, there are ways to eke out savings without significantly impacting your day-to-day life.

If saving a significant amount seems daunting, start by saving your change. Physically save coins or use apps that round up your purchases to the nearest dollar and save the difference. Check out my mini savings challenges.

Saving money when it seems there’s barely enough to cover the bills begins with a commitment to take whatever steps are necessary, however small they may initially seem. Every dollar saved is a step towards financial resilience and a buffer against future financial challenges.

Investing can be a powerful tool for building wealth over the long term, and it’s often considered a key component of achieving financial stability. However, for those who are currently struggling to make ends meet, the decision to invest should be approached with caution.

Investing typically involves committing money with the expectation of achieving a future financial return. It has the potential to outpace inflation and increase your wealth due to the power of compound interest. Nevertheless, it often carries the risk of losing the invested capital, a risk that those in financial distress may not be in the position to take.

Feeling Broke without Money – Time to Make A Change

Feeling broke is a stressful and demoralizing experience, but it’s also a clarion call for change. It signals that your financial health needs attention and that your money management strategies may require a significant overhaul.

However, the situation is not without hope; with determination and the right approach, it’s possible to transform your financial landscape.

The journey away from the precipice of being broke begins with honesty, introspection, and a willingness to adapt. It’s about confronting uncomfortable truths, devising a clear plan, and taking decisive action. From crafting and adhering to a precise budget, cutting unnecessary expenses, to seeking additional income streams—all these steps are essential in the path to financial stability.

Remember, feeling broke isn’t a permanent state. Mindset is everything.

It’s a challenge to be met, an opportunity for growth, and a chance to steer the course of your financial ship towards calmer and more abundant waters. Your future self will thank you for the changes you implement today, so take that first step now.

>>>It’s time to make a change—because you deserve the peace of mind that comes with financial security.


  1. Experian. “Experian Study: U.S. Consumer Debt Reaches $16.84 Trillion in Q2 2023.” Accessed January 25, 2024.
  2. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. “Emergency Savings and Financial Security.” Accessed January 25, 2024.

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Renting in Seattle? Discover the most affordable Seattle suburbs to live in 2024.

With the Space Needle soaring, Olympic Mountain looming and a buzzing city coming to life, there are more than a few reasons to settle down in Seattle. If you’re new to the city you may be wondering, how much does rent cost in Seattle? The average monthly rent prices are $1,422 for a studio, $2,145 for a one-bedroom unit and $2,991 for a two-bedroom unit. However, these prices may not fit your budget.

If you’re looking for a more affordable alternative in the Emerald City, you’re in the right place. Below, we’ll explore 12 of the most affordable Seattle suburbs, where you can still enjoy the Pacific Northwest charm without breaking the bank. From scenic landscapes to tight-knit communities, these economical enclaves are budget-friendly ways to enjoy the stunning beauty of the Puget Sound region.

Average rent for a one-bedroom: $1,450

Average rent for a two-bedroom: $2,218

Distance from Seattle: 17 miles

Apartments for rent in Des Moines

Claiming the first place on our list of affordable Seattle suburbs is Des Moines. Only about 17 miles south of Seattle, you’re just a short distance from the city center. You’ll also save close to $700 monthly on rent if you’re planning to lease a one-bedroom apartment.

There are plenty of things to do in Des Moines. For example, you can explore Saltwater State Park along the shores of Puget Sound or spend the afternoon checking out the sea life at MaST Center Aquarium.

Average rent for a studio: $1,275

Average rent for a one-bedroom: $1,522

Average rent for a two-bedroom: $1,765

Distance from Seattle: 11 miles

Apartments for rent in Tukwila

Just 11 miles south of Seattle is our second suburb, Tukwila. The area is home to about 21,600 residents. The average rents are also much less than in Seattle. For example, a one-bedroom unit in Tukwila costs $1,522 compared to $2,145 in Seattle.

Tukwila is home to the Museum of Flight, an expansive museum with over 175 aircraft and plenty of displays, giving you plenty to explore. You can also visit the sprawling Southcenter Mall, which houses plenty of options for shopping, dining and killing a few hours in the middle of the day.

Average rent for a studio: $1,699

Average rent for a one-bedroom: $1,560

Average rent for a two-bedroom: $1,845

Distance from Seattle: 20 miles

Apartments for rent in Kent

As a renter searching for affordability, you might want to consider Kent. It’s a fantastic suburb located about 20 miles south of Seattle. The average rent for a one-bedroom unit is about $600 less than in Seattle.

In Kent, you can easily explore the scenic Green River Natural Resources Area, which has walking and biking trails that are perfect for enjoying the picturesque riverbanks. Kent is also home to the ShoWare Center, a popular venue for hockey games, concerts and more. 

Average rent for a studio: $1,595

Average rent for a one-bedroom: $1,604

Average rent for a two-bedroom: $1,600

Distance from Seattle: 28 miles

Apartments for rent in Auburn

A bit farther from Seattle you’ll find Auburn, which is around 28 miles to the south. Auburn is an affordable suburban alternative to much of the surrounding area. The slightly longer commute might be a trade-off worth considering as the average rent is considerably less.

There’s plenty to do in Auburn, like exploring Game Farm Wilderness Park, where you can camp and explore the trails. You can also check out Emerald Downs, a great racing track to kick back and watch the ponies fly.

Average rent for a studio: $1,215

Average rent for a one-bedroom: $1,621

Average rent for a two-bedroom: $1,913

Distance from Seattle: 24 miles

Apartments for rent in Federal Way

About 24 miles away from downtown Seattle is Federal Way, another great suburb for renters to consider. Home to 99,000 residents, Federal Way is an excellent option for renters looking for a less busy city – and more affordable rent prices.

Federal Way supports a range of activities, including the Pacific Bonsai Museum, where you can admire a stunning collection of bonsai trees from around the world. You can explore Dash Point State Park, where you’ll find a beach, hiking trails and waterfront views. The city is also home to the Wild Waves Theme & Water Park, which provides thrilling rides and water slides, perfect for a family day in the heat of the summer.

Average rent for a studio: $1,950

Average rent for a one-bedroom: $1,651

Average rent for a two-bedroom: $1,852

Distance from Seattle: 30 miles

Apartments for rent in Everett

Securing the sixth spot on our list, Everett is a familiar Seattle suburb. This area is home to roughly 110,800 residents, making it feel much more city-like than many of the other towns featured in this article.

Everett is home to the Boeing Future of Flight Aviation Center, where you can take tours and learn about the aviation industry’s history and innovation. For outdoorsy types, Jetty Island, a sandy beach destination perfect for kiteboarding and kicking back by the beautiful Puget Sound, is a must-see.

Average rent for a one-bedroom: $1,722

Average rent for a two-bedroom: $2,250

Distance from from Seattle: 15 miles

Apartments for rent in Mountlake Terrace

Claiming the seventh spot on our list of renter-friendly Seattle suburbs is Mountlake Terrace. It’s only about 15 miles north of downtown, making it a great option for daily commuters.

While a smaller city, there is plenty to do in Mountlake Terrace. You can take a quick trip to the serene Ballinger Park, full of walking trails, a lake, picnicking and more. For a taste of local culture, you can visit Mountlake Terrace Pavilion, which hosts a ton of events and activities throughout the year.

Average rent for a studio: $1,672

Average rent for a one-bedroom: $1,930

Average rent for a two-bedroom: $2,119

Distance from Seattle: 12 miles

Apartments for rent in Burien

If you’re a longtime Seattle resident, then you probably know about Burien. In Burien, one-bedroom units generally rent for $1,930 and two-bedroom units are available for around $2,119, providing considerable savings compared to Seattle.

If you’re wondering what to do in Burien, you can explore Seahurst Park, which has gorgeous tidepools and scenic waterfront views. Burien’s bustling downtown area offers a stellar food scene with lots of restaurants, making it a great destination for foodies looking to expand and refine their palettes.

Average rent for a studio: $1,894

Average rent for a one-bedroom: $1,974

Average rent for a two-bedroom: $2,200

Distance from Seattle: 18 miles

Apartments for rent in Edmonds

Edmonds is home to about 42,700 people and is just a bit over 17 miles north of downtown Seattle. Located along Puget Sound, living in Edmonds means you’re never far from the water and the many activities that come with it. You can explore Edmonds Beach and Brackett’s Landing North, or simply enjoy stunning sunset views over Puget Sound.

The town is also known for its strong arts community, with plenty of art galleries and the Edmonds Center for the Arts, providing a variety of events for artsy folks to enjoy.

Average rent for a studio: $1,710

Average rent for a one-bedroom: $2,000

Average rent for a two-bedroom: $2,620

Distance from Seattle: 14 miles

Apartments for rent in SeaTac

Ranking 10th on our list of affordable Seattle suburbs for apartment hunters is SeaTac. This suburb has a population of 30,700 and is roughly 14 miles south of Seattle.

SeaTac is most well-known as home to the SeaTac International Airport, but there’s plenty to do on an afternoon or weekend. You can explore Angle Lake Park, which boasts a scenic lake stocked for fishing and ideal for boating, making it a great spot for nature lovers of all persuasions. The city also provides convenient access to the Light Rail, allowing making trips into downtown Seattle a breeze.

Average rent for a studio: $1,877

Average rent for a one-bedroom: $2,039 

Average rent for a two-bedroom: $2,662

Distance from Seattle: 20 miles

Apartments for rent in Bothell

Bothell is the 11th suburb on our list. You’ll find Bothell about 20 miles northeast of Seattle. Commute times can vary depending on bus routes and traffic, but you’ll still save significantly on rent costs.

Bothell is home to beautiful Bothell Landing Park, a picturesque spot along the Sammamish River with walking trails, a historical museum and a tranquil setting for soaking up the Seattle sun. Beyond that, the McMenamins Anderson School, a historic schoolhouse turned into a unique entertainment complex, offers dining, bars, a movie theater and a pool, making it a great spot to start or end a night on the town.

Average rent for a one-bedroom: $2,050

Average rent for a two-bedroom: $1,915

Distance from Seattle: 7 miles

Apartments for rent in Mercer Island

Taking the 12th and final spot on our list of renter-friendly, affordable Seattle suburbs is Mercer Island. Primarily known for its luxurious homes, its rental prices are surprisingly more budget-friendly than one might expect. On average, you’ll save about $100 a month renting a one-bedroom unit or about $1,000 for a two-bedroom unit. It’s also commuter-friendly, as Mercer Island is a mere 7 miles from Seattle’s city center. 

The area is surrounded by the shimmering waters of Lake Washington, offering opportunities for boating, swimming and lakeside relaxation at Luther Burbank Park. The town is also known for its scenic parks and large green spaces, making it an ideal area for renters seeking a peaceful escape from city life without fully cutting the tether to urban conveniences and entertainment.

Remember, if you’re looking to hop over from renter to buyer, make sure to also check out the most affordable Seattle suburbs to buy a home.


Affordability is based on whether a suburb’s one and two-bedroom rent was less than Seattle and under 30 miles from downtown Seattle. Average rental data from Seattle rental market trends on October 26, 2023. Population data sourced from the United States Census Bureau.


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See what makes Cincinnati such a sweet spot to call home.

Welcome to Cincinnati, a hidden gem in the heartland of America. This article will act as your guide to understanding and enjoying everything that makes Cincinnati such a unique and enjoyable place to call home.

Whether you’re drawn by the allure of its historical significance, the plentiful employment opportunities, the many entertainment options or the outdoor splendor and downright delicious local dishes, Cincy has something for everyone. But what is Cincinnati known for, beyond the stereotypes? Let’s embark on a journey through the streets of this charming city, exploring the very essence of what makes Cincinnati, well, Cincinnati.


Situated on the banks of the Ohio River, the origins of Cincinnati trace back to 1788, making it one of the earliest settlements in the Midwest. Named after the Society of the Cincinnati, an organization honoring George Washington, the city initially flourished as a port town. The 19th century saw Cincinnati’s golden era, where it emerged as a center for commerce and industry, largely thanks to the Ohio and Erie canals.

As the 20th century dawned, Cincinnati continued to evolve, adapting to the changing times with remarkable resilience. Its architectural legend, seen in landmarks like the John A. Roebling Suspension Bridge, is a testament to its historical significance. In terms of innovation, Cincinnati was the birthplace of professional baseball with the Cincinnati Red Stockings in 1869, and later, the home of the first professional team, the Reds.

Cincy is also home to a ton of stellar educational institutions and a strong economy, anchored by sectors like healthcare, education and consumer goods. Today, Cincinnati is known for a lot. Above all, it’s a city where the past is not just remembered but celebrated and where a bowl of chili isn’t just a bowl of chili, it’s a plate of spaghetti too.


Beloved for its hard-working people and scenic riverfrontage, Cincinnati is equally notable for its employment opportunities. The healthcare industry is particularly strong, with major employers like Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center and UC Health leading the charge. These institutions are top healthcare providers and significant contributors to research and innovation in the medical field.

Education, another cornerstone of Cincinnati’s economy, is championed by esteemed institutions like the University of Cincinnati and Xavier University. These colleges are also major employers in the city, both fueling the intellectual and economic vitality of the region.

Cincinnati is also proud to host the headquarters of Procter & Gamble, a global giant in household and personal care products. This presence cements the city’s reputation as a hub for consumer goods innovation and business acumen.

Five of the largest employers in Cincinnati

The job scene in Cincy is also enriched by a burgeoning startup community, fueled by supportive initiatives like Cintrifuse and The Brandery, making the city a fertile ground for entrepreneurs and innovators. This blend of established corporations and emerging businesses creates a unique employment environment, where traditional industry expertise meets cutting-edge innovation, and everyone has an opportunity to snag a seat at the table.

The city’s strategic location along the Ohio River has historically made it a center for trade and logistics, a legacy that continues today with plenty of opportunities in transportation and warehousing. The diversity of Cincinnati’s employment opportunities, coupled with its commitment to innovation and growth, makes it an ideal place for career development and personal growth.

What is Cincinnati known for, in terms of entertainment?

Cincinnati offers more than a few entertainment options that cater to all interests. At the heart of its entertainment scene is the historic Over-the-Rhine district, a rejuvenated area where 19th-century architecture meets modern-day life. This district, famous for its beautifully restored buildings and lively streets, is home to Findlay Market, Ohio’s oldest continuously operated public market.

For music and theater enthusiasts, the Cincinnati Music Hall, an iconic venue known for its stunning architecture and world-class acoustics, puts on performances from the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, the Cincinnati Opera and a ton of other arts events. The city also prides itself on hosting the Cincinnati Art Museum and the Contemporary Arts Center, both renowned for their impressive collections and exhibitions.

Five of the best live performance venues in Cincinnati

For those seeking thrills and family fun, Cincinnati has options. The city is home to the famous Kings Island amusement park, just a short drive away, offering roller coasters and entertainment for all ages. Sports fans can enjoy the excitement at the Great American Ball Park, home of the Cincinnati Reds, America’s oldest professional baseball team, or catch a game at the Paul Brown Stadium, where the Cincinnati Bengals bring the big plays and the hard hits.

The Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden, one of the oldest zoos in the United States, provides a captivating and educational experience for nature lovers. With its unique blend of historical allure and contemporary charm, Cincinnati’s entertainment scene offers a memorable experience that encapsulates the city’s spirit of innovation and tradition.


Celebrated for its striking riverfront and lush green spaces, Cincinnati offers a ton of things for outdoorsy types to do on a sunny day in the city. The crown jewel of Cincinnati’s outdoor portfolio is Smale Riverfront Park, a scenic expanse along the banks of the Ohio River, providing spectacular views and a variety of recreational activities. Another not-to-be-missed outdoor escape is the Cincinnati Nature Center, with miles of walking trails through picturesque forests and meadows, ideal for bird watching, hiking or simply soaking up the Cincy sunshine.

Five scenic state parks near Cincinnati

For the more adventurous spirits, the city’s proximity to the Ohio River opens up a world of water-based activities. Kayaking and paddle boating along the river provide a unique perspective of the city’s skyline, while also offering a peaceful retreat on the water. Little Miami Scenic Trail, a favorite among runners and bikers, provides a pathway through some of the most beautiful parts of Ohio.

Devou Park, situated in neighboring Covington, Kentucky, is still easily accessible from Cincinnati, and features breathtaking views of the city skyline, along with extensive trails and a challenging golf course. During the winter months, the nearby Perfect North Slopes resort in Lawrenceburg, Indiana, caters to skiers and snowboarders, offering snowy thrills just a short drive from the city.


Cincinnati’s food scene is a delightful exploration of flavors and cultures that range from upscale to breakfast at the bar in a family-owned diner. A quintessential Cincinnati experience is tasting the city’s famous chili, uniquely served over spaghetti and topped with a mountain of shredded cheese – a dish that has become synonymous with the city’s soul.

Cincy also prides itself on its German heritage, evident in its love for sausages and goetta, a local breakfast specialty. Cincinnati also celebrates its brewing history, with a thriving craft beer scene that includes traditional breweries and trendy taprooms, each offering a distinct taste of the city’s rich brewing heritage.

Five of the best restaurants in Cincinnati

Helmed by creative chefs, Cincinnati is quickly transforming into a city that is a bonafide hub for gastronomic excellence. From fancy dining to cozy cafes, the variety caters to all palates. The Over-the-Rhine district buzzes with eclectic eateries and hip hangouts, providing a perfect blend of old-world charm and modern comfort.

Seasonal food festivals, like the Taste of Cincinnati and Oktoberfest Zinzinnati, offer opportunities to savor a range of dishes and celebrate the city at its finest. With a blend of historic flavors and contemporary flair, Cincinnati’s food scene offers a unique and memorable experience that is integral to the city’s identity.

See yourself in Cincinnati

After this brief exploration of one of the Midwest’s brightest stars, it’s easy to see that Cincinnati is not just a city; it’s a living, breathing entity full of history, innovation and community. Its robust employment landscape, coupled with its many entertainment options and outdoor activities, makes it a place of endless possibilities.

Whether you’re a resident discovering hidden gems or a visitor experiencing the city’s majesty for the first time, Cincinnati is a journey full of discovery and delight. From the rolling Ohio River to the bustling streets of Over-the-Rhine, every corner of Cincinnati tells a story, inviting you to be a part of its ongoing narrative. The only question now is, where will you settle down in the city?


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Surround yourself with tasteful touches of golf and the essence of the game.


Welcome to GOLF’s 2023 edition of the Best of Everything, where we’re providing you with, well…the best of everything! In this case — the best golf wall art and home decor of 2023!

Check out GOLF’s picks for the best golf home décor of 2023, which includes art from One Kings Lane, Ballpark Prints, Lie + Loft, Evan Schiller Photography and more.

Keep scrolling to see this collection of art to adorn your walls with all things golf. Find perfect gifts for a golfer you love, or deck your office with golf-themed décor.

Keep scrolling for some of the very best home decor we saw in 2023 that you can add to walls, coffee tables or desks.

If you love these must-have pieces of golf art, check for additional size, frame and canvas options by clicking the “buy now” button below.

All of our market picks are independently selected and curated by the editorial team.
If you buy a linked product,
GOLF.COM may earn a fee. Pricing may vary.

An official Licensee of the St. Andrews Links, this is a trusted source for genuine licensed course artwork. These pieces of golf artwork are available in a variety of options. You may choose from metal or canvas as well as framed or unframed. The sizes and options for frames are nearly endless.

Buy just the print or unframed canvas, or choose from multiple frame options in various sizes.

The golfer wall hook like the one below is the perfect extra sprinkle of golf into interior decor. Shop more quality home decor below.

These painting prints are just too cute! Swinging birdies and meerkats … I mean … how adorable is that? These prints are available in framed canvases, framed prints, canvas prints and rolled prints.

These prints come in four sizes. You’ll also have the choice between no frame, a natural frame, a black frame or a white frame.

Enjoy hand-signed, framed or digital signature prints in two size options. You’ll also have the choice in no frame or 4 wooden frame colors.

Consider these deals! Buy 2 PRINTS, use code BUNDLE10 for 10% off… or buy 3 or more PRINTS, use code BUNDLE20 for 20% off.


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A sprawling 26.72-acre property nestled along the serene banks of the Wicomico River in Eden, Maryland has recently landed on the market — with a bang.

Listed at $2,690,000, it’s currently the priciest home listed for sale in the entire Wicomico County, surpassed only by a Delmar, MD empty lot (spanning over 40 acres) that’s looking to fetch $3.9 million.

Whitney Elliott with the Salisbury office of Coldwell Banker Realty in the Mid-Atlantic holds the listing.

The expansive Eden, MD property is anchored by an 8,252-square-foot estate that blends traditional charm with modern luxury and offers a rare opportunity to own a piece of riverside paradise — complete with a two-story observatory.

Photo credit: Svetlana Leahy / Coldwell Banker

Built in 1988, this 4-bedroom, 4-bathroom home sits on a sprawling 26.72-acre plot, boasting 700 feet of waterfront complete with a private dock and two lifts, including one with deep water access.

Photo credit: Svetlana Leahy / Coldwell Banker

The estate’s exterior is matched by its equally impressive interior, starting with a grand foyer and an elegant winding staircase that invites you into a world where modern conveniences meet classic design.

The heart of the home is its gourmet kitchen, a caterer’s dream equipped with top-tier appliances from GE Professional, Viking, and ILVE, and a sizable butcher block countertop.

Photo credit: Svetlana Leahy / Coldwell Banker
Photo credit: Svetlana Leahy / Coldwell Banker
Photo credit: Svetlana Leahy / Coldwell Banker
Photo credit: Svetlana Leahy / Coldwell Banker
Photo credit: Svetlana Leahy / Coldwell Banker
Photo credit: Svetlana Leahy / Coldwell Banker

The first-level primary suite offers waterfront views and luxurious comfort, while the house’s elevator provides convenient access to the upper levels.

Entertainment is a key feature of this property.

A bar and game room set the stage for social gatherings, and a 3,000-bottle wine cellar ensures a well-stocked selection for any occasion. For movie enthusiasts, the in-home theater, complete with a 10-foot screen and custom acoustics, provides an immersive cinematic experience.

Photo credit: Svetlana Leahy / Coldwell Banker
Photo credit: Svetlana Leahy / Coldwell Banker

Perhaps the most striking feature of this Eden property is its custom two-story observatory.

With a climate-controlled interior, this observatory houses a high-end telescope, leveraging advanced technology for an unparalleled stargazing experience.

Photo credit: Svetlana Leahy / Coldwell Banker

Speaking of technology, the Eden, Maryland house has plenty of smart home features throughout — including a whole-home audio and lighting system, extensive ethernet connections, and a comprehensive home security system, ensuring both comfort and safety for its residents and guests.

The property doesn’t just impress with its luxury finishes; it also incorporates efficient living solutions. Various heating sources, including geothermal and liquid propane, are used throughout the estate.

The two wood-burning fireplaces add a cozy touch to the modern amenities.

When it comes to its outdoor appeal, the sky’s the limit. With well over 26 acres of land in an idyllic location, there’s plenty to do on the property, and future owners will enjoy a private dock with two lifts, including one with deep water access.

Photo credit: Svetlana Leahy / Coldwell Banker

With so many intricate details, this Eden estate on the Wicomico River is more than just a house; it’s a lifestyle offering. From its sprawling river views to the unique observatory, it represents a blend of luxury, technology, and natural beauty rarely found in the real estate market.

This property promises a living experience that is as grand as it is intimate, a perfect sanctuary for those who appreciate the finer things in life, with the universe just a gaze away.

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Broker, Credit Report Fee, Flip and Bridge Products; TPO News

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Broker, Credit Report Fee, Flip and Bridge Products; TPO News


Fri, Jan 19 2024, 11:02 AM

If you’re in Chicago, the newest attraction is “the rat hole.” Here in Denver, besides the cat I saw in the airport yesterday being walked on a leash, one attraction is the National Ice Core Lab, where, you guessed it, ice sample cores from all over the world are kept for research purposes at temperatures even colder than those outside. It is around this time of year when plenty of people think about vacations or moving to warmer places… Like Phuket in Thailand. In 2023 it saw 6.24 million airport arrivals, up 88 percent from 2022, and the real estate market is booming. The island has 26 beaches and a population of 420,000. Phuket is trying to move away from over-reliance on tourism by simply selling to wealthy outsiders, often Russians: 27,000 Russians have moved to Phuket in the past 12 to 18 months, fueling a development boom. Follow the money, right? Today’s podcast can be found here, and this week’s is brought to you by nCino, makers of the nCino Mortgage Suite for the modern mortgage lender. nCino Mortgage Suite’s three core products (nCino Mortgage, nCino Incentive Compensation, and nCino Mortgage Analytics) unite the people, systems, and stages of the mortgage process. Today’s features an interview with Polunsky Beitel Green’s Marty Green on mortgage spreads, why 2024 is a year of transition in the mortgage industry, and potential ramifications of NAR lawsuits.

Lender and Broker Services, Products, and Software

Anchor Loans Launches TPO Broker Channel for Flip, Bridge, New Construction and Rental Investment Financing! With so many banks and private lenders scaling back on fix and flip and construction lending, house flippers and builders are turning to mortgage brokers and other intermediaries to help identify reliable sources of capital. National private lending leader Anchor Loans has stepped up to launch a new Third-Party Originator (TPO) Broker Channel to serve loan brokers and other third-party originators whose clients are the real estate investors and developers building and refurbishing homes for America’s buyers and renters. With 25+ years in business, $14B+ in loans funded to date and expert teams lending in 48 U.S. states, Anchor offers flexible loan programs, experience-based pricing, $100k to $10MM loan amounts, fast funding, and a speedy draw process. Mortgage brokers and loan originators can learn more here.

Lenders across the country are still looking for ways to cut costs without sacrificing revenue. Start off easy with collecting credit report fees upfront. Fee Chaser by LenderLogix makes it as easy as clicking a button… literally.

Rocket Pro TPO’s recent IGNITE Live showcased a powerful line up of new product & technology solutions designed to help broker partners exceed expectations with clients and outpace its competition. If you missed it, check it out here. Mike Fawaz, Rocket Pro TPO’s EVP reminded the audience of the benefits of the lender’s free credit report offer. He also featured Product Compare, an innovative new tool available from Pathfinder by Rocket. This platform enables partners to quickly and easily identify the ideal mortgage products for every client scenario. Also, the lender introduced a special discount for partners using Mobility Market Intelligence (MMI): a leading real estate and transaction database that will immediately impact broker’s business strategies. Be sure to review the IGNITE Live video for many other updates and special offerings. Interested in learning more about a Broker or Non-Delegated Correspondent partnership? Contact Rocket Pro TPO to learn more.

Wholesale and Correspondent News

A&D Mortgage launched its innovative ITIN Mortgage Program, designed to extend homeownership opportunities to a broader community. This groundbreaking initiative offers mortgage solutions to individuals who possess an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) but do not have a Social Security number, thereby catering to a previously underserved market. Tailored to meet the diverse needs of borrowers, ranging from first-time homebuyers to those seeking to invest in property, there are several attractive features such as eligibility for borrowers with minimum FICO score of 660 for Super Prime loans. A DSCR (Debt Service Coverage Ratio) option is available for applicants with a minimum FICO score of 700.

Discover more information about the ITIN Mortgage Program and other services offered by A&D Mortgage.

United Wholesale Mortgage (UWM) announced that it will sunset the name of its consumer-facing website,, and replace it with Mortgage Matchup. “Mortgage Matchup will continue to be a consumer-facing website geared toward homebuyers and real estate agents and will offer both educational material around the homebuying and refinancing processes, along with a searchable database of independent mortgage brokers near them. The goal is to connect this audience with a local mortgage broker in their area and they understand the vast array of loan options available to them based on their specific financial situation.”

According to IHDA, nearly 10 percent of all first-time homebuyers use IHDA Mortgage products to help receive the additional leverage needed to bridge the gap of homeownership. An IHDAccess Forgivable loan is for both first-time and repeat homebuyers and offers a very competitive interest rate to help keep costs down over the length of the mortgage. IHDAccess Forgivable highlights include 4 percent of the purchase price up to $6,000 in assistance for down payment and closing costs, forgiven monthly over 10 years and does not have to be repaid. 30-year, fixed rate mortgage with an affordable interest rate. Available to first-time and repeat homebuyers statewide. Interested homeowners can learn more about IHDAccess Forgivable and eligibility requirements by contacting any INB mortgage lender.

Rocket Pro TPO, the wholesale arm of Rocket Mortgage, has just announced updates to its ONE+ program aimed at making it easier for prospective homeowners to obtain a low-down-payment conventional mortgage. ONE+ allows buyers to make a down payment of as little as 1 percent of the home’s purchase price. The program now includes Freddie Mac’s Loan Product Advisor. Use of the automated underwriting system could increase buyer eligibility by 16 percent, Rocket Pro TPO executive vice president Mike Fawaz said in a recorded statement.

Angel Oak Mortgage Solutions DSCR Loan (Investor Cash Flow) program has been enhanced to accommodate an impressive 85 percent Loan-to-Value (LTV). Loan highlights include Purchase Only, Minimum DSCR 1.00. SFR, PUD, Condo, Multifamily 2 – 4 units. ​Minimum loan amount $150,000, Maximum loan amount $1 million, and minimum FICO 720.

Plaza Home Mortgage® is kicking off the New Year with improved updates to its Solutions Non-QM, DSCR, Jumbo AUS 1 and Jumbo Champion loan programs. Details are available in the updated Solutions Non-QM Program Guidelines, DSCR Investor Solutions Program Guidelines, Jumbo AUS 1 Program Guidelines, and Jumbo Champion Program Guidelines.

Citizens Correspondent National Bulletin 2024-01 includes information on Conventional Conforming Products- FNMA- Income Calculator, FNMA- Restricted Stock Income Units, Non-Taxable Income-DU, LPA Cash-Out Occupancy and Condo Eligibility, VVOE Alternatives – DU and LPA, FHA and VA Loan Limits- AUS update, USDA Product Update, Secondary Marketing Contact Info and Disaster Tax Filing Relief. See the bulletin for additional information and all lock, delivery, and purchase by dates, if required.

The average annual number of business applications rose to 4.9 million between 2020-2022. This is an 89 percent increase compared to 2005-2016. This strong and steady market of non-traditional, high-quality borrowers presents a clear opportunity for Non-QM program options. How to capitalize on this growing segment of borrowers? Angel Oak Mortgage Solutions range of products for self-employed borrowers can help you unlock this market. Bank Statement Mortgage, 12- or 24-months business or personal bank statements, Profit and Loss (P&L) statements are a valid form of income verification, non-permanent residents allowed, ​​​Closed End Second Mortgage, Borrowers receive a lump-sum payment, no restrictions on how borrowers can use the funds. Owner-occupied, second homes, and non-owner occupied.

Capital Markets

Economic data yesterday held some good news for U.S. consumers, with signs of improvement in the job market and some relief on mortgage rates. Initial jobless claims (187k) fell to the lowest level in over a year, a bigger drop than any forecaster expected. After two weeks of increases, mortgage rates fell to the lowest level in eight months, per the latest Freddie Mac Primary Mortgage Market Survey. For the week ending January 18, the 30-year and 15-year mortgage rates fell 6 basis points and 11 basis points to 6.60 percent and 5.76 percent, respectively. Both rates have fallen more than 100 basis points from the October highs. (Unfortunately, the more timely data already shows rates moving quickly higher – MND)

LOs looking for an increase in inventory in homes for sale aren’t seeing much help from builders. The overall direction of economic data recently has given Fed officials some cover to maintain their “hawkish” rhetoric. That is of little comfort to homebuilders, evidenced by housing starts falling in December for the first time since August. Housing starts showed a smaller than expected decrease in December (actual 1.460 million, expected 1.417 million).

There’s historically been theory that “an enemy of my enemy is my friend.” We’ll see. Something to keep an eye on is an expanding conflict in the Middle East. Pakistan’s military carried out targeted strikes against militant hideouts in Iran on Thursday, responding to an attack by Tehran a day earlier. Historically strife around the world leads to a flight to quality and the buying of U.S. fixed income securities. Now, not so much.

Today’s economic calendar sees some key data later this morning with existing home sales for December, a preliminary January look at Michigan sentiment, November TIC data from the U.S. Treasury, and remarks from Fed Vice Chair of Supervision Barr and San Francisco Fed President Daly. We begin the day with Agency MBS prices roughly unchanged from Thursday’s close and the 10-year yielding 4.12 after closing yesterday at 4.14 percent on little financial news.


Logan Finance Welcomes Paul Jones as SVP, Business Development! Logan Finance is happy to announce that Paul Jones has joined the organization as SVP, Business Development. “Paul is an industry giant with an uncanny ability to identify and develop winning strategies and educate the industry on the benefits and opportunities within Non-QM. We’re thrilled to have Paul join the team”, said Logan’s Chief Revenue Officer, Aaron Samples. Paul Jones has spent 30 years in Operations and Sales and he’s developed a methodology for parlaying the many aspects of Non-QM into a cohesive strategy for Account Executives and Originators. This strategy is instrumental in scaling Non-QM production, expanding referral sources, and refining customer outreach. “The spotlight is on the world of Non-QM right now, and I’m ready to help focus that spotlight on Logan,” Paul said. “We have a lot of things in play for 2024, and I’m looking forward to contributing to Logan’s exciting future.”

“Primis Mortgage was born out of a belief that we, as an industry, can do better. We decided that to do this, we needed to act like an Independent Mortgage Bank, but leverage the stability and resources of a traditional bank. And the results speak for themselves. We saw a 107 percent increase in funded loans from 2022 to 2023, and while most companies were cutting back, we decided to step up: increasing our sales staff by 160 percent in that same time period. Primis Mortgage is a place where proven all-stars come to win. Our in-house support staff averages just 22 days from ITP to Docs Out, and leadership constantly motivates and educates our loan officers to strive for continued growth. If you’re a highly-successful loan officer ready to take your career to the next level, reach out to Chris Blevins, National Sales Director.”

Last week, Sales and Operations leadership from both the Lower and Thrive Mortgage teams got together in Columbus, OH to collaborate and discuss the way forward. Not just for the merger between the two entities, but what they see for the industry. After two days together, the response was clear… this is a powerful move for both companies. The game-planning, engagement with new colleagues, and enthusiasm continues to grow as each side returned to share what they’d learned. Above all else, the most commonly referenced statement was, “It felt like we’ve known each other for years.” Ready to find out what the insiders already know? Let’s talk about how you can Thrive with Lower.

A well-capitalized IMB, based in the NJ/PA tri- state market, is seeking Loan Officers, Sales Teams, or possible acquisition opportunities of small to midsize IMBs in NJ, NY, CT, FL, PA, while expanding in MD, DC, VA, NC and SC. The IMB’s focus is a highly personable and high touch experience for LOs and Realtors. Organizationally lean, very competitive pricing, a wide array of products, and much higher LO Comp than what is offered by other larger IMBs. The focus is to attract serious loan officers who want an unparalleled service, where your voice matters and you have a seat at the table in growth. If interested, message Chrisman LLC’s Anjelica Nixt for a confidential discussion.

 Download our mobile app to get alerts for Rob Chrisman’s Commentary.


Apache is functioning normally

RICHLAND TWP., Pa. – Eagles, Flyers, 76ers and Phillies fans will soon have a new spot to score jerseys, hats and other fan gear in upper Bucks County.

Rally House, a specialty sports store chain offering an expansive selection of apparel, gifts, home decor and other types of merchandise representing local NCAA, NFL, NBA, MLB, NFL and MLS teams, is planning to open a new location in a few months at 244 N. West End Blvd. in Richland Township.

A new Rally House store will fill the space previously occupied by Tuesday Morning, a home goods retailer, in the Trainer’s Corner shopping center, just outside Quakertown.

The new store will fill the space previously occupied by Tuesday Morning, a home goods retailer, in the Trainer’s Corner shopping center, just outside Quakertown.

“We are opening a new Rally House location in Quakertown and excited to get it open to residents and fans,” stated Colin Novick, Rally House’s media and production manager. “We are aiming to have this store open in early spring in April.”

Rally House traces its origins to 1989, when Tim and Mabel “Peg” Liebert started “Mabel’s Kitchen,” a catalog featuring Kansas-related apparel, gifts and other merchandise.

Mabel’s Kitchen evolved into another business, “Kansas Sampler,” which featured five Kansas City area stores selling Kansas Jayhawks, Kansas State Wildcats, Kansas City Chiefs and Kansas City Royals gear.

The company experienced great success, and the Lieberts eventually decided to expand the business to other markets under the “Rally House” name in 2008, according to a company description.

Today, Rally House has more than 180 locations across 18 states. The new Quakertown area store will supplement more than a dozen other regional locations, including a Lehigh Valley shop in Lower Macungie Township, two other Bucks County stores and several locations in Montgomery County.

Rally House stays true to its roots by providing “an impeccable selection of local and team-related apparel and gifts, including exclusive designs available only at Rally House,” according to the company’s website.

Regional stores offer a wide array of merchandise, including clothing, blankets, glassware and signs, featuring logos and designs of Philadelphia and surrounding area teams.

The Lehigh Valley’s only Rally House location operates at the Hamilton Crossings shopping center in Lower Macungie Township. 

Customers at the Lehigh Valley store, for example, can shop plenty of Philadelphia Eagles, Flyers, 76ers and Phillies items, along with merchandise showcasing designs of various regional universities, including Lehigh, Kutztown, Penn State, Temple, Villanova, Drexel, St. Joseph’s and West Chester.

Other area sports teams, including Lehigh Valley IronPigs and Philadelphia Union, are also represented.

Philadelphia area teams are primarily featured, but there is also a selection of merchandise featuring other popular teams such as the New York Yankees, Pittsburgh Steelers and New York Giants.

Customers can browse apparel such as T-shirts, sweatshirts, coats and shorts, along with footwear and fashion accessories such as slippers, hats, scarves and jewelry.

A wide variety of other gifts and home décor include items such as glassware, coasters, garden gnomes and flags, foam fingers, stuffed animals, keychains, pens, pennants, ornaments, cornhole boards, trash cans, calendars and umbrellas.

“Much like each person, no two Rally House stores are identical,” a message on the company’s website reads.

“They each carry merchandise customized and tailored to the specific collegiate and professional teams in that area. In additional to team apparel, Rally House offers a wide selection of local styles. This includes our very own exclusive line of RALLY Brand™ merchandise. The same items we have in our stores can also be found online at any time. We want to make things as easy and seamless as possible for fans who want to show their unique team spirit, regardless of wherever they live or shop.”

In addition to selling items relating to local sports teams, Rally House also works in conjunction with local sports stars and celebrities. These partnerships manifest themselves in the form of ticket giveaways, autograph sessions, radio remote contests and meet-and-greet events.

For the latest Rally House updates, follow the business’ pages on Facebook and Instagram. Info:

Allentown updates

New Wawa could take Brass Rail’s spot next to Sheetz

ALLENTOWN, Pa. – The Allentown Planning Commission discussed a preliminary/final land development plan for a proposed Wawa convenience store Tuesday afternoon at city hall.

The proposal is offered for 3015 Lehigh St., the site of the former Brass Rail property. The plan involves consolidating two of the three existing lots, demolishing existing features on the consolidated lot and constructing the convenience store.

Should the proposed Wawa come to fruition, it would operate about 100 yards away from a Sheetz convenience store and gas station. Sheetz opened in August 2023 at the southeast corner of Lehigh Street and 29th Street, near Auto Zone. Additional nearby convenience stores and gas stations include a Turkey Hill on the other side of Sheetz and another Wawa about a mile north on Lehigh Street. Full story here. 

Randevoo offers a variety of specialty sushi rolls, including “Slappin’ Salmon” (cucumber, New Zealand king salmon, mango habanero sauce and crispy garlic). 

Downtown Allentown Market welcomes new food vendor, says goodbye to another

ALLENTOWN, Pa. – The new year is bringing more changes to the Downtown Allentown Market, with one food vendor recently setting up shop and another bidding farewell.

Joining the 27 N. Seventh St. market is Randevoo, offering a twist on traditional Asian fusion cuisine.

Randevoo held a soft opening on Jan. 5 in space that was previously occupied by two other Asian concepts, Shinsen and Honmono Sushi, the latter of which closed in June following the owner’s move to Florida. Read more here. 

Lower Macungie news

Lower Macungie planners recommend approval for Topgolf

L. MACUNGIE TWP., Pa. – The Lower Macungie Township Planning Commission recommend approval of a preliminary/final plan of an open-air entertainment facility Tuesday night at the administration building.

The plan, offered by Jaindl Land Co., involves the proposed Topgolf facility at the Lehigh Valley Town Center, slated for 361 Schantz Road and 4511 Cedarbrook Road. The proposed Topgolf and Town Center have already received conditional use approval.

Tuesday night’s recommendation involved the Topgolf facility, which includes a 72-bay golf driving range with a two-story, 20,460-square-foot building and associated parking on 11.5 acres within the Lehigh Valley Town Center. Topgolf will have site access from a private drive in association with the Town Center development. Read more. 

The Car Wash on Hamilton is expected to open by the end of January at 6794 Hamilton Blvd in Lower Macungie Township.

New Lehigh County car wash to open later this month, joining 2 sister locations

LOWER MACUNGIE TWP., Pa. – Drivers looking to keep their vehicles in tip-top shape will soon have a new car wash to frequent in the Lehigh Valley.

The Car Wash on Hamilton, committed to providing customers with a “seamless and efficient car wash experience,” is expected to open by the end of January at 6794 Hamilton Blvd. in Lower Macungie Township.

The newly constructed car wash, totaling around 4,000 square feet, will supplement two sister locations: The Car Wash on Broadway, which opened in 2015 at 4540 Broadway in South Whitehall Township, and The Car Wash on West Main, which opened in October at 200 W. Main St. in Macungie. Full story here. 

Bethlehem area buzz

Bethlehem restaurant closes, but owners continuing to serve customers via food trailers

BETHLEHEM, Pa. – The owners of a Bethlehem restaurant, serving up burgers, ice cream and more, have closed their eatery to focus on mobile operations.

Husband and wife Norman and Jill Matthews of Bangor have decided to shutter their 3.5-year-old south Bethlehem eatery, Dinky’s Ice Cream Parlor & Grill, and transition to a “completely mobile” business model, according to a post on Dinky’s Facebook page.

“That means we have two trailers, one that is just purely ice cream and the other is a food/ice cream truck,” they announced on the business’ Facebook page. “We will be going to different events, fairs, parties, food truck gatherings and hopefully breweries in the in the surrounding areas. Then we can get caught up with our loyal customers. Read more here. 

Hummus House has rebranded to HandHeldz on East Third Street in south Bethlehem. 

Family-run restaurant rebrands with new name, look in Bethlehem

BETHLEHEM, Pa. – A popular fast-casual eatery, serving “gourmet quality comfort food,” is kicking off the new year with some changes in Northampton County.

Hummus House, a family-run restaurant known for its fresh sandwiches, salads, wraps and more, has rebranded to HandHeldz at 518 E. Third St. on Bethlehem’s South Side.

New signage was installed on Monday, and the business’ first day as HandHeldz was on Tuesday. Read more. 

Powerballers Athletic Center opened in late November at 2550 Brodhead Road in Bethlehem Township.

New expansive facility offers prime training space for athletes, teams in Northampton County

BETHLEHEM TWP., Pa. – A new indoor training facility is helping sports teams, clubs and athletes stay at the top of their game in the Lehigh Valley.

Powerballers Athletic Center, offering year-round training opportunities and a top-tier environment where youth and individuals of all ages can passionately pursue and enjoy their sport, opened in late November at 2550 Brodhead Road in Bethlehem Township.

The 14,000-square-foot facility features 10,000 square feet of flexible turf space, over 1,200 square feet of strength training space, batting cages, certified coaches and a climate-controlled environment. Full story here. 

Expanding businesses

HiJinx Brewing Company to bring ‘fun and friendly’ vibe to 2nd Lehigh Valley location

A popular Allentown brewery is expanding its footprint in Lehigh County.

HiJinx Brewing Company, producing a wide array of craft beers that include IPAs, pilsners, porters and stouts, on Thursday announced plans to open an additional location at Sports Factory of the Lehigh Valley, 6616 Ruppsville Road, Upper Macungie Township.

The new location will supplement HiJinx’s original taproom and production facility, a 4,000-square-foot venue that opened in 2014 at the Allentown Economic Development Corporation’s Bridgeworks Enterprise Center, 905 Harrison St., Allentown. The brewery is in Suite 111. Read more here. 

A-Treat Birch Beer expands as a fountain soda option at more Lehigh Valley restaurants

A month after announcing a partnership with Lehigh Valley hot dog shop chain Yocco’s, Jaindl Beverage Company – owner of A-Treat soda brand – has announced more local venues carrying A-Treat soda on tap.

In addition to being served at all five Yocco’s locations, A-Treat Birch Beer is now available as a fountain drink at Westside Grill in Upper Macungie Township, Wild Turkey Grill (at The Club at Twin Lakes) in North Whitehall Township and Moselem Springs Golf Club in Richmond Township, Berks County.

Westside Grill, Wild Turkey Grill and Moselem Springs Golf Club are owned by Jaindl Land Development. Read more. 

Odds and ends

‘The store of the future’: Dave & Buster’s gears up for grand reopening after remodel

WHITEHALL, Pa. – A popular entertainment facility is ready to level up its services in Lehigh County.

Dave & Buster’s, the entertainment and dining chain that invites guests to “eat, drink, play and watch,” on Friday debuted its reimagined Lehigh Valley location on Friday.

The Whitehall Township location, at 1491 MacArthur Road, opened in October 2020 at a Lehigh Valley Mall outparcel, which was previously home to Friendly’s and Wendy’s restaurants as well as an office building. Full story here. 

Dave & Buster’s has undergone extensive renovations at 1491 MacArthur Road in Whitehall Township.

The Promenade Shops welcomes new tenant, hosting ‘Wonderland on Main’ event

UPPER SAUCON TWP., Pa. – The new year has brought a new tenant to The Promenade Shops at Saucon Valley.

Fulton Bank, offering a broad array of financial products and services in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware and Virginia, on Monday opened its newest Lehigh Valley branch at 3060 Center Valley Parkway, Suite 839, Upper Saucon Township.

The branch offers a variety of services, including deposits, loans, check cashing and safe deposit boxes. Read more here. 

Galen Glen Winery operates at 255 Winter Mountain Drive in the Andreas section of West Penn Township, Schuylkill County.

Schuylkill County winery earns ‘best white wine’ in Pa. distinction from prominent wine critic

WEST PENN TWP., Pa. – A Schuylkill County winery is making a splash in 2024, with high praise on a well-known wine media platform.

Galen Glen Winery, at 255 Winter Mountain Drive in the Andreas section of West Penn Township, earlier this week received acclaim on, a prominent wine media platform and events company with offices in Hong Kong.

Senior Editor Stuart Pigott labeled the Galen Glen Riesling Lehigh Valley Stone Cellar 2022 as “the best white wine he has ever tasted from Pennsylvania,” according to a Weekly Tasting Report. Read more. 

Berks buzz

‘Stay and sip a while’: Folino Estate owners open 2nd Vintner’s Table wine bar and restaurant

WYOMISSING, Pa. – The owners of Folino Estate Winery near Kutztown have opened another tasty venue in Berks County.

Husband and wife Marco and Andrea Folino, who opened Folino Estate in Greenwich Township in 2015, on Tuesday opened a second location of Vintner’s Table – a wine bar and restaurant serving up Folino’s hand-crafted, award-winning wines along with charcuterie and light bites – at 945 Hill Have. Suite 100 in Wyomissing.

“We welcome you to reserve a seat at our table,” an announcement on Vintner’s Table’s Facebook page reads. “Our menu was a labor of love carefully curated to bring you an elevated dining experience full of rustic Italian flavors paired with our award winning wines in a chic and cozy atmosphere that invites you to stay and sip a while.” Full story here. 

Folino Estate owners Marco and Andrea Folino pose with their son, Teodoro, in their new Vintner’s Table location in Wyomissing.

New golf simulator at Sly Fox has golfers hitting the virtual links

WYOMISSING, Pa. – There’s a new gathering place inside an already familiar spot in Wyomissing that can transport you to dozens of golf courses around the world.

While it’s winter outside, the basement of Sly Fox Brewing, dubbed the Foxskeller, features a whole different vibe.

Golfers are teeing up and taking their swings on brand new golf simulators. Read more here. 

Vinyl enthusiasts to descend on Leesport Farmers Market this weekend for ‘Record Riot’

ONTELAUNEE TWP., Pa. – It’s about the search for something special.

“Number one, I’m a collector. All these guys that sell records they all are interested in records, so I’m looking at his records saying ‘What does he have?’ And I saw something I want to buy,” said Record Riot event organizer Stephen Gritzan.

Thumbing through crates of creative work put to vinyl is a physical interaction that seems increasingly rare. Read more. 

‘Heavy heart’: Moe’s Southwest Grill location to close after 10 years in Berks County

EXETER TWP., Pa. – An eatery serving up made-to-order burritos, quesadillas, nachos and tacos is ending operations this weekend in Berks County.

A location of Moe’s Southwest Grill, a fast-casual restaurant franchise serving “high quality and fresh southwestern food,” will close on Sunday at 4725 Perkiomen Ave. in Exeter Township.

The restaurant is located in the Exeter Commons, between a Fine Wine & Good Spirits store and L.A. Nails Day Spa. Full story here. 

Closing notes

Rite Aid closes Bethlehem store, with another Lehigh Valley location set to shutter on Jan. 15

Two Rite Aid stores in the Lehigh Valley are ceasing operations this month, joining several other regional locations of the pharmacy chain that closed in 2023.

First, a Rite Aid store at 104 E. Third St. on Bethlehem’s South Side shuttered on Wednesday, Jan. 10, according to storefront signage, addressed “Attention: store closure.” Read more here.

A Rite Aid store, at 6822 Hamilton Blvd. in Lower Macungie Township, is set to close on Jan. 15.

American Eagle Outfitters closing Lehigh Valley store

PALMER TWP., Pa. – A well-known clothing retailer is reducing its brick-and-mortar footprint in the Lehigh Valley.

American Eagle Outfitters, a leading global specialty retailer offering high-quality, on-trend clothing, accessories and personal care products, will close its American Eagle store at the Palmer Park Mall in Palmer Township on Jan. 20, a store manager said.

The manager could not comment on the reasons surrounding the upcoming closure. Read more. 

American Eagle Outfitters, a leading global specialty retailer offering high-quality, on-trend clothing, accessories and personal care products, will close its American Eagle store at the Palmer Park Mall in Palmer Township on Jan. 20.

Discount variety store closes in Easton area 

PALMER TWP., Pa. – A destination for affordable snacks, household items, party supplies and more has closed in Northampton County.

One Dollar Zone!, a discount variety store “where you can find trusted brands and thousands of great quality items for as low as $1.00,” closed a couple of weeks ago at 785 S. 25th St. in Palmer Township.

It’s unclear what led to the store’s closure. A company representative did not return a message seeking more information, and a sign on the door simply reads, “WE ARE CLOSED.” Full story here. 
