What is COBRA insurance? (and other frequently asked questions)
Next week marks my two-month anniversary at my new job. Huzzah! In addition to celebrating my new, higher salary, I am also feeling simultaneously challenged and less stressed.
I feel challenged because my new job is in an entirely different industry than my former position. But I’m definitely less stressed because the performance expectations are reasonable and my colleagues are fun and friendly. I may even be celebrating a new coworker soon, since the friend who got me into SEO in the first place (and who was also one of my professional references for my current position) has applied for a job in my department.
Saving can Make a Job Transition Easier
While all of these are good things, one aspect of my job transition that was less than festive was the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) insurance process. Since one of the features of an improved economy is an increased willingness to switch jobs — or even to leave a current job without having another lined up — I thought I would share my experience with COBRA.